saturday, one of the rarest weekends i've had in a long time, where the day and night was spent out of the house.
it made me so happy... so very happy!
karen and i had a brilliant jalan-jalan nasi padang at arab street. so brilliant it was that karen did a wunderfulll collage of our sojourn and i had no choice but to artistically steal her creation off her blog ( and paste it onto mine.

nice hor...? i like...! aiyooo karen girl, you so clever do this picture leh...!
and we turned all kiddy when we saw a shop selling all things 'blast-from-the-past'.
the gooey sticky paste one blows into a sticky bubble from a teeny-weeny yellow straw was enough to fill our hearts with sheer joy and contentment. it was pure pleasure costing only a dollar for a whole box full of gooey ballony paste.

gurl... you blew it good i say... grin...
and our sojourn brought us past the row of shops along arab street, baghdad street (nope... no gun-toting redneck/marines here, and no need for a green zone either), bussorah street, kandahar street (yeah no talebans here either) and until karen had this culturally-skewed idea to pay a visit at the old istana kampong glam now turned into some malay heritage and cultural museum.
and we found a replica of an old HDB flat in the museum, all done up ala the 70s presumably, replete with gaudy wall paint colour, a black and white television set, that old school electric blade-fan and super retro furnitures. and get this, it came with a linoleum lined flooring as well!

departing from arab street on a high... i made my way to chern yeh's studio and lazed the whole afternoon in his couch playing xbox games. i suck big time at car racing games even though i was driving a lexus. stupid car.
elvan came in the evening and picked us up for dinner at little india. pure north indian vegetarian dinner at raj's was enough to burst our pants at the seams.

the supressed look of extreme hunger...
at night, wei came over and dragged me out to the mercedes' c-class launch at sentosa's cafe del mar. him and his car-crazed mood as usual.
and i cannot believe he made me walked all the way from the faraway parking lots to the supremely faraway cafe del mar.
after a long walk riddled with grumblings and curses (coming from me) in the extreme humidity of the night, we finally arrived at cafe del mar. the free flow booze was my redemption after the grueling long walk.

oh-so-cute-sinewy-muscled bevy of young boys doing free-running all over the metal structure... which i remarked to wei was an extreme homo-erotic display where topless boys of age slide down poles and holes next to one another in extreme close contacts
les enfant terribles...
several many many glasses of wine later...

... we both looked like we need extreme makeovers

wei's idea of driving us back home safely without having the traffic police to stop us on the road for breathalyser tests - sleep off the alcohol on his mini cooper
hadn't had a saturday this fun in a long, long time!