Monday, June 11, 2007

Back To Paradise Gulag

okay, here's a quick one.

i'm back to reservist gulag training camp from monday till friday this week.

i'd usually ceremoniously brandish my middle finger and all manners of profanities in the hokkien and cantonese dialect will be directed towards the gahmen for forcing me to serve a conscripted, undignified, regimented and a total waste of time during the duration of reservist training period.

but after a total bollock of a weekend spending saturday and sunday working my ass off from 7am; giving up my almost non-existent social life and my gym routine on both days; and only to bear the brunt of extreme senselessness - i admit this: all hail to reservist training. this is my short reprieve from it all. my chance to regain my sanity. my much needed space to rethink the next route i must take from here.

gotta go now and ready my damn uniform... dari kiri, cepat jaaaa-lan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wear that uniform proud, o son of singapura! May the force be with you! :-D