Friday, April 13, 2007

Goodly Friday 13th

i woke up this morning, completely oblivious to the fact that today is friday 13th, until a colleague told me when i arrived at the office. not that i am superstitious or anything remotely like that, but au contraire, i always hold odd numbers in high regard. odd numbered days in the calendar have always held lots of goodliest things for me.

it's just like beethoven's odd numbered symphonies - namely his 5th, 7th and 9th symphonies - they are absolutely very profound works in the history of classical music. and since i have been basking with all three symphonies plugged into my ears on the headphone and mp3 player at work since early morning, everything is a-okay on friday 13th thus far.

so come what may today, and friday being the day of my religion's holy sabbath, i think i'll do just fine for the rest of the day.

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