Monday, April 16, 2007

I Am Socially Degenerating

right... this is bad. an ultra conservative introvert of a friend that i know, says i have no life to me today, on msn:

muckaroo says: hey u know what dean?

pornstar says: ah what? u want to say what? what i know? u faster say lah! i bloody busy right now, crazy freaky monday running like bloody headless cheeken all!

muckaroo says: i'll make this short sharp and sweet and will try minimise the pain that i may inflict on you when i am gonna say this

pornstar says: ah faster say lah, i'm gonna lose my head over work very soon

muckaroo says: i read your blog

muckaroo says: and i was thinking

muckaroo says: that i am, in no way anywhere near your league

pornstar says: ah huh? what u wanna say, faster lah don beat ard the bush liedat

muckaroo says: well, what i really am saying is this - GO GET A LIFE can? or a bf or something... or a pet...

pornstar says: eh hallo... u nabey say i got no life! cheebye u! fuckeroo muckaroo u! nabey!

muckaroo says: correct what! look at me, you know and we all know that i am nowhere being the socialite that you have always been but i think after reading your blog, it's clear you got no life. correct?

muckaroo says: perpetually stuck in the village... tsk tsk, what's wrong with you? degenerative socialite is it?

note to self: buy a PDA, start filling up my electronic calendar with imaginary social events

1 comment:

Lynda Lim said...

Who says have virtual space now you are actually expanding your social circle...strangers read your blog you also dunno. So how can you say you are socially degenerating leh?