Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wagner Gives Me The Rush

i frigging love wagner's opera and orchestral arrangements and overtures! i mean like i really frigging HEART his works since i was in secondary one, like 13 yrs old. BIG TIME!

he gets me going when the going gets tough at work. it's like going on a high octane ride and rocket off the cliff into the distant horizon of the sky in a nanosecond, cutting through the sky and slicing and dicing the fluffy white clouds and to end on a superb high rush still going through your head... it's more than all that, like his ride of the vylkyries. fucking shiok!

the overture to die meistersinger von nuremberg always gets me going at work especially when i'm beset with loads of junks to clear on the very last minute before i knock off. wagner... i totally HEART you!

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