here i go again...msn banter, this time with Porcs who is, i believe, at this time, is working hard as a PR-meister-guru in HK
pornstar says:
u know, i totally adore glenn close's character in dangerous liaison
pornstar says:
cold, composed, calculative, dignified, caustic
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
nebver mind - one day you shall be too
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
why you suddenly mention her?
pornstar says:
cos last nite i watched the movie again
pornstar says:
and i kept jumping off the couch to applause at every poignant moment she executed in the film
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
michelle pfeiffer - can't beieve she seemed so young and so old at the smae time then
pornstar says:
and uma thurman also
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
i loved that film - jonh malkovich was actuaqlly damn sexy tehre!
pornstar says:
so young
pornstar says:
he damn sexy lor
pornstar says:
i like the way he speaks lah
pornstar says:
or rather, the manner of his speech
pornstar says:
and glenn close's derisive smile when she got off the horse carriage to visit madame de volange
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
for some period high drama and unlikely story - all the actors in it made you understand why they did what they did on a v personal level - v v few films do taht lor
pornstar says:
exactly lor
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
i think a lot fo the actors now cannot reach that calibre. glenn close, meryl streep etc.
pornstar says:
on some levels, i think gosford park also managed to achieve that sort depiction altho not wholly, perhaps due to the sheer number of characters in that movie
pornstar says:
ah lor
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
meryl streep said once that's because they were a generation that spent their time talking and being intereted in acting, the arts, paintings, artiosts, society, ideas, philosophy
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
whereas the actors now all about hollywood and pop culture
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
i think is true
pornstar says:
i want to live like those aristocratic pigs in big big chateu leh
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
i also - powdered and bust-boosted and wigged
pornstar says:
yah! i want to wake up and have 10-12 servants dressing me up and powdering my face and showing me my collection of dainty looking shoes for men
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
heheh - prefereably all hunky, ripped men issit?
pornstar says:
and then a bath like 2-3 times a year only cos aristocrats in french society up to the french revolution are not like peasants mah, no need to work n sweat
pornstar says:
uhmmm... no lah, i cannot do man servants lah
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
that's why perfume iwas invented wat
pornstar says:
prolly the chavalier or something, then can
pornstar says:
like music teacher
pornstar says:
ah correct! last time ah, when i studied french renaissance history ah, paris was the leading 'parfumarie' in the world
pornstar says:
cos they all don take their bath one
pornstar says:
how they have sex with one another ah? so smelly
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
heheh - they smell a lot ofperfume first - then numb, then can
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
also get v v drunk
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
also they prolly used to their own smell so actualoly innured oredi
pornstar says:
ah i remember also they had to make king louis drunk then they throw him in a bath cos the whole palace cannot take his stench
pornstar says:
mebbe it's the pheremones
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
i thik it's just the cheese
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
speaking of which that's also why they eat a lot of cheese
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
cos then also get used to it
pornstar says:
ah cheese... smelly wor, no wonder pple have wine n cheese, they have to get drunk in order to swallow cheese
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
get drunk, get used to mselly cheese, then voila! all is bien
pornstar says:
tres bien! oui!
bluedogg@hotmail.com says:
ah voila voila si si!
This is how an attempt at a cultured conversation suddenly goes awry!!
So smery!
actually, porcs and i agree that it was actually our enigmatic intellect that masked a high-cultured conversation into a seemingly bonehead conversation... you know, one of the medium employed to reach the common people's base intellect... buwahaha!
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