Friday, March 30, 2007

As Good As Good News Comes

i woke up pretty late this morning although i made it in time for work. i felt more than being the usual morning person than i usually am. it was like as if i am vladimir horowitz's extremely deft fingers playing chopin's butterfly etude as i moved about in my apartment getting ready for work.

i knew i was feeling light and happy but i could not pinpoint what made me feel that way. perhaps it's friday, perhaps i was glad the media event we had the day before went on well, perhaps i was thinking it's burger king day for lunch, perhaps i was looking forward to stay home as usual tonight and watch DVDs and have a bottle of wine. i couldn't find the exact and precise reason.

it was only when i was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and at the same time furiously scrutinizing the wrinkles of my forehead that it hit me - i am glad for a friend who told me of his good news the night before; that he is out of any immediate health related danger after his medical screening and tests.

and that made me think, i should just totally lay off smoking... before my cells mutate and turn cancerous.... i should.

gosh... i think i am having this brain atrophy... took me so long to realise why i am actually happy.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Planet Unicorn

oh this is just great... suddenly i'm unicorn material. right. and i live in my own planet. perhaps. possibly maybe.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Les Terribles Les Fat Visage

first thing that came into my mailbox this morning from alex - a snapshot of us at the glam party 2 weeks ago.

what have i done to myself? oh my gawd... double chin, fat face, fat everything! this is so gonna get posted on this blog, as a grim reminder of how globular fat cells can seriously contribute to real image dysmorphia. oh no... i'm fat.

lynda said "do you know right after 6 sessions of excercise, you can start losing your double chin?"

nice to know that lynda... awww thanks! i'm hungry now, mebbe i'll snack on dust. yeah... better, dust, zero calories. dust. anybody? dust? yeah dust.

For An Old Friend

almost 2am now. i had just got off from a long conversation with an old friend, someone whom i don't get to see very often at all, but it is someone who had been there for me in my hour of darkness and joy. and when we do get the chance to meet up, we'd have long conversations, and we'd be perfectly at ease with one another despite a long in-between absence before we meet the next time round again.

i have this to say to you my dear friend. many people out there right now probably cannot claim they have been through what you are going through at this very moment. and these are the people that you and i both know: they're our friends too.

and now that i know from your own admission that you have been reading my postings, i'm gonna say this to you (and you do know who you are) - you still have us, your friends. never strangers to you. we'll walk with you.

here is a little something for you from the poet Rumi, you will keep on walking and we'll be with you along the way:

"Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving,
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Even if you have broken your vows a thousand times
It doesn't matter
Come, come yet again, come"

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Great National Museum Excursion

the last time i stepped into the national museum was in 1988. that was when i was in secondary one. i particularly remember the event because during a school trip to the museum, some of my classmates and i were caught by a museum staff because we were gawking openly at a nude painting of a female subject. the days of folly and... what was i thinking? female nudity?

anyway, since the museum recently re-opened after a year long extensive renovation and additions were made to the existing structure, lynda and i decided to extend our post-drunken fashion fest afternoon for a visit to the museum with kennedy.

all i can say is, they did a damn good job for the newly re-opened museum.

i'm glad they retained the grand old trees that have been there for yonks.

main entrance

they left lots of stuff buried in the front lawn of the museum when i was in primary three, 1984! prolly video cassettes of smurfs, care bears, fraggle rock, strawberry shortcake and some asterix comics i think.

shot from the main entrance of the museum looking into the lobby, which holds the cuppola roof... or the dome if you like.

some english bloke left the plaque there at the lobby, obviously to let everyone know they started the campy movement - having had a queen (they still do now), speaking in english accent so that they can sound all so dandy and gay...

see what i mean by being campy? they had to have it all ornate and rich looking... cornice, extravagant corinthian columns, filigree, stained glass, etc... they started way earlier than liberace did.

we had to do an emergency turn-around when a female visitor (background in purple dress) showed off her armpits.

more shots taken on the second storey of the museum...

they retained the wrought iron filigree. personally, i would love to have these things around my bed so that i can chain myself up to such wonderful ornate workmanship. kidding. no really, i'm kidding.

looking inwards into the additional glass panel structure at the back of the museum. kennedy was more interested in searching for the souvenir shop because he heard they were giving away cold storage discount vouchers for cans of evaporated milk when you purchase a paper-weight model of the museum.

another view of the cuppola/dome. you can prolly tell by now that i went totally trigger happy with my cheap digicam in the museum. i simply cannot stop clicking away... even when in the galleries itself where photography is criminal offense. kidding... it is prohibited.

old chinese wayang costumes and headgears exhibit. i'd very much would like to wear those at my wedding one day.

part of the stage decor for a traditional chinese wayang puppet.

the spice girls were kind enough to loan one of their boots for display at the museum.

the sabre-like object in the middle was actually used for manicure/pedicure - to file nails and at times, to file off callouses and dead skin cells build-up on the soles.

the coca cola company must have been so pissed off cos they did not have their branding up there in the food gallery.

kennedy earnestly thought his bottom was delicious enough to go on display in the food gallery.

this bicycle push cart was typically used by kueh tutu (a local delicacy/cake) sellers in the early days. i'd like a tutu too, especially when i wear one when performing swan lake ballet. bishop desmond tutu will never agree to me wearing him though.

the spice gallery

butt paddles and stuff for spanking - traditional torture implements and paraphernalia used to enforce moral and cultural values among the early society during the founding of singapore. in its later years, it became fashionable to utilise them for sado-masochistic pleasure purposes. until martha stewart started to use them as moulds for baking cakes.

kennedy got too close to the marijuana herb and felt its intense sedating properties almost immediately. lucky bastard.

the photography gallery

it was time to head back home after we got thrown out by security for flouting the 'no-photography allowed in galleries' rule. lynda gave one last defiant smug-face look at the security guards in this last shot.

that was a nice round-up to our saturday. after a few pints of guinness draught at tango's in holland village, lynda and i headed back home and watched re-runs of little britain on dvd for some good laughs before hitting the sack.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Drunk and Pret-a-Porter

this saturday has got to be one of the best ever after many months of not stepping out of the village.

courtesy of mr sam yeo, fashionista extraordinaire and robinson's extreme makeover specialist, he had lynda and my name on the list of deserving people who are privileged to attend the s'pore fashion fest and get plastered on free-flow of white sparkling wine, chow on platters of fancy finger-food and do lots and lots of air-kissing with people we barely know. getting pissed high at 2pm was definitely it.

me, lynda and sam. lynda is seen holding her 14th glass of white sparkling wine.

the host was considerate enough to allow us the privilege of a non-stop 1.5 hours free-flow of booze before they finally decided that the cellar was running dry, and promptly herded us into the main hall where the runway was. we would have loved to accept the front row seat by the runway but i had a major fell out with karl lagerfeld, and hence we decided to avoid the front row VIP seating where he was seated.

lynda smuggled her 22nd glass of sparkling wine into the runway hall.

and the catwalk... all models were made to go through an extremely stringent nutrition test before they are allowed on the runway. anyone above 30kg do not qualify.

the fashion catwalk took place under the watchful eyes of sam (right), to make sure that no models were caught nibbling on anything remotely transfat or fibrous behind stage.

at the end of it all, all kudos to sam. great job at getting me totally plastered on a saturday afternoon, and oh, i frigging love the goody bag (especially the voucher to a top salon for hairdressing, i needed one badly).

the afternoon did not end there, lynda and i made a clear and alcohol-induced decision to continue our orchard road sojourn by going shopping.

"it's okay to shop senselessly and swipe my card liberally cos i'm drunk and i am legally incapable of making a well-informed decision..."

after coffee, we sobered up and realised the whole gravity of the credit card-swiping situation we were in. we promised to repent and mend our ways of wanton retail misadventure for the afternoon, but not after we make our way to the heeren mall cos' we heard there was a sale going on there. onward march! and oh, i got myself another piercing, on the right ear this time round.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Krispy Deep Fried Dough Kreme

it's been a helluva week at work... as evident from the state of my workstation... errr... desk... if you can see it beneath the pile.

while waiting for colin to come back from his jakarta business trip with a bottle of jack daniel's from DFS, i fell asleep in the living room in front of the telly. but he brought back something way even better...


this has gotta be the best trans fat ever... i can fuhgeddabout jack daniel's... it's better than sex - all of them in three boxes.

after chowing on one original krispy kreme and one jelly filled deep fried dough, i think i can go back to bed now. i don't mind having another round of shitty week at work all over again just to have a box of krispy kreme delivered to my door every friday night. colin, you gotta do your jakarta trips more often buddy.

Friday, March 23, 2007

NeoCons Show Off Their General (Limited) Knowledge

a friend of mine forwarded me this link:

an obvious attempt by neocons to present their own (warped) red-necked view of the world.

and so i was curious and clicked on the address link. looked pretty neat and clean cut in terms of lay-out. and i gave it a test on its search function for the word "islam".

surprise surprise but no surprise (what a bummer... these neocons are still the same lame predictable lot of zealots). the first paragraph gave a brief introduction, the second paragraph listed the religion's tenets, the third paragraph gave a scanty commentary on comparative theology on the christian-islam relationship. it higlights about how christians will be punished by God for being 'unbelievers'. and i thought to myself, "woohoo! this is definitely an interesting and ominous precursor of what's to come in the next paragraph"

the fourth paragraph - no surprises coming from insular red-necked neocons - jumped straight into talking about islam allegedly being derived from pagan traditions.

the next and last paragraph mentioned briefly on what sharia means. no biggie.

right... so there you go, all there is that you need to know about islam. i'd like to think of it more as a website you can go to if you want to find out what total dumb-fugs these neocons are.

it's hilarious no doubt, but i leave you with this:

caveat emptor
: conservapedia is hazardous to your intellectual health

i'll stick to thank you very much.

ps: i did a quick search on 'iraq'. absolutely no mention about how the americans are fucking up the country big time. but i did learn that "Saddam was a particularly brutal ruthless man..."

The Irony That Is Beyond Me

how do you explain it when bad things happen to really good people? i am myself baffled. it's not supposed to happen this way.

if you are reading this, you know who you are. despite all that you've been through today, you still asked me how my day was.

keep up the courage, have faith. may everything work out well for you. hugs.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Loverboy (Me?)

this is interesting. i took the test, and verdict came out like how lichelle used to describe me (although i don't look like anything in that illustration tho... i can only wish):

You embody the German principle of Konstantzusammenschaft, which is best described in English (without using the obscure English word "sammenschaft") as "eternal togethermanship".
The Loverboy
Random Gentle Love Master (RGLMm)

Well-liked. Well-established. You are The Loverboy. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships--as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment.

You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.

Your exact opposite:
The Billy Goat

Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising him with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise him by leaving.

ALWAYS AVOID: The Billy Goat

CONSIDER: The Boy Next Door, The Loverboy

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.
My profile name: jugularcat

Little India Sojourn

as usual, lynda and i had our little whimsical adventure earlier on tonight. we were at little india, doing our shopping in 24 hr mustafa store. very crowded as usual. the typical lynda-dean conversation ensued in the vanity section:

lynda: eh u see! this night face cream is on discount, cheaper than the one at guardian. must buy! are you gonna buy too?

me: eh i still have my other night treatment cream leh

lynda: then you faster use the cream lah, like every night you anyhow slap a lot of cream on your face then will sure finish fast. so now you can buy this new treatment cream, then can use already when your old cream is finished.

me: oh yah hor, good idea. or you think i should buy the other night face cream or not? my friend earnest told me it's good leh

lynda: no, you should get this one lah. you never read the magazine is it? this night face cream won like dunno what award, but it was voted like the best ever, even better than those branded expensive one, like it's the top night cream right now you know.

me: is it? ok i take one now, you want one too?

after ravaging the whole mall for nonsensical stuffs like gazillions of incense sticks, more toiletries to feed our insatiable need for vanity and an arabic music video vcd, we adjourned for a supper of prata, masala thosai and teh tarik.

i got home and read with absolute fascination and in complete awe of the night face cream's exotic ingredients - lavandula angustifolia extract, arnica montana flower extract, camellia sinensis leaf extract, amino-peptide complex, pro-vitamin B5... i'll wake up tomorrow looking like miss angelina jolie perhaps.

Fat Feline Of Jalan Kuning

piggy wiggy fat cat
you're round like a wombat

high and low everyday i look out for you
cos' everytime when i see you i'll go woohoo!

i'm so lucky to have you as my neighbour
cos' without you life's such a labour

one day i promise i'll have you in my arm
and feed you lots of fish to make you go yummm!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Natasha My Pimp

anything i'd do as an excuse to come out for a drink, or two, or three, or more. some friends from australia and KL were in town. of course natasha was the pimp for the night.

wayne, natasha & steven

and we found ourselves zipped down to clarke quay's hed kandi bar from tango's in holland village for more *hic* booze *hic*

the tourism board did a fantastic job with the lights and glitz kitsch, turning tourists' attention away from the dark murky waters of the singapore river along clarke quay

the hend kandi bar was errr... put it this way, i had major trouble trying to walk to the bathroom without tripping and stumbling on the floor along the way. how much did i have to drink? four? five? six pints of guinness draught? mebbe just six all in all.

bye-bye wayne and steven... catch you boys whenever, wherever in brissy and KL!

and natasha said "oh i'm going to model for sony this saturday".

right okay, i'm sure you model well with gadgets for geriatrics. grin... love you girl! we should hang out in the village more often and do pilates on me. haha!

Runny And Wet

ian: my side profile damn sexy i know

lynda: mmm... your ear got come out something runny and wet one... yummm...

i know so many of you out there totally dig runny eggs with soya sauce and white pepper... not for me though, nah uh. it smells like bleagh.