Thursday, March 08, 2007

Plorific? Plofiric? Profilic? Prolific?

sometimes, after countless pints of guinness draught, one might get uhm... a cat-got-your-tongue kinda situation. so many words you want to say, so many thoughts you want to express, but all you need is a little help from an old friend to translate so many muddled-up words into plain simple facts of realities.

meeting my former professor of history from my nus days for drinks was a tremendous opportunity. and the countless pints of guinness draught pretty much helped subside the flu infliction i've been having for the past several days too.

if there is a take-home message or advice my professor friend gave me, it'd be to continue honour my feelings, irregardless how daunting circumstances may be. because giving up something you appreciate over a lame reason tantamounts to leading an existence of all things lame, null and void. a very hobbesian overview indeed.

very prolific if you ask me... just what i needed when everything at this juncture looks bleak and dirge-like.

just like the good old days in nus over a bottle of wine with the same old friend in guild house club. just that he noticed a change in me (which is, to my utter joy and appreciation upon hearing it coming from him, the cynic!) - that back then, i'd change boyfriends as if i would change underwears frequently; but now, he grudgingly admits i'm so ever ready to settle down.

thanks for the brutal honesty professor, old friend.

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