anyway, since the museum recently re-opened after a year long extensive renovation and additions were made to the existing structure, lynda and i decided to extend our post-drunken fashion fest afternoon for a visit to the museum with kennedy.
all i can say is, they did a damn good job for the newly re-opened museum.
i'm glad they retained the grand old trees that have been there for yonks.
main entrance
they left lots of stuff buried in the front lawn of the museum when i was in primary three, 1984! prolly video cassettes of smurfs, care bears, fraggle rock, strawberry shortcake and some asterix comics i think.
shot from the main entrance of the museum looking into the lobby, which holds the cuppola roof... or the dome if you like.
some english bloke left the plaque there at the lobby, obviously to let everyone know they started the campy movement - having had a queen (they still do now), speaking in english accent so that they can sound all so dandy and gay...
see what i mean by being campy? they had to have it all ornate and rich looking... cornice, extravagant corinthian columns, filigree, stained glass, etc... they started way earlier than liberace did.
we had to do an emergency turn-around when a female visitor (background in purple dress) showed off her armpits.
more shots taken on the second storey of the museum...
they retained the wrought iron filigree. personally, i would love to have these things around my bed so that i can chain myself up to such wonderful ornate workmanship. kidding. no really, i'm kidding.
looking inwards into the additional glass panel structure at the back of the museum. kennedy was more interested in searching for the souvenir shop because he heard they were giving away cold storage discount vouchers for cans of evaporated milk when you purchase a paper-weight model of the museum.
another view of the cuppola/dome. you can prolly tell by now that i went totally trigger happy with my cheap digicam in the museum. i simply cannot stop clicking away... even when in the galleries itself where photography is criminal offense. kidding... it is prohibited.
old chinese wayang costumes and headgears exhibit. i'd very much would like to wear those at my wedding one day.
part of the stage decor for a traditional chinese wayang puppet.
the spice girls were kind enough to loan one of their boots for display at the museum.
the sabre-like object in the middle was actually used for manicure/pedicure - to file nails and at times, to file off callouses and dead skin cells build-up on the soles.
the coca cola company must have been so pissed off cos they did not have their branding up there in the food gallery.
kennedy earnestly thought his bottom was delicious enough to go on display in the food gallery.
this bicycle push cart was typically used by kueh tutu (a local delicacy/cake) sellers in the early days. i'd like a tutu too, especially when i wear one when performing swan lake ballet. bishop desmond tutu will never agree to me wearing him though.
the spice gallery
butt paddles and stuff for spanking - traditional torture implements and paraphernalia used to enforce moral and cultural values among the early society during the founding of singapore. in its later years, it became fashionable to utilise them for sado-masochistic pleasure purposes. until martha stewart started to use them as moulds for baking cakes.
kennedy got too close to the marijuana herb and felt its intense sedating properties almost immediately. lucky bastard.
the photography gallery
it was time to head back home after we got thrown out by security for flouting the 'no-photography allowed in galleries' rule. lynda gave one last defiant smug-face look at the security guards in this last shot.
that was a nice round-up to our saturday. after a few pints of guinness draught at tango's in holland village, lynda and i headed back home and watched re-runs of little britain on dvd for some good laughs before hitting the sack.
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